Machine reading tools (Updated regularly)

Open LLM Leaderboard

Name Description URL
Chat GPT Conversational AI with Text Prompt https://chat.openai.com/
T5 Prompt-based text synthesis https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/t5
SciSpace Automatic literature review and data extraction from PDFs https://typeset.io/
Consensus AI Literature search, synthesis, and Q&A https://consensus.app/
Elicit Literature search, synthesis, and Q&A https://elicit.com/welcome
Falcon LLM that has integrated extensive scientific literature in pretraining https://falconllm.tii.ae/falcon-models.html
LLM4SD LLM for scientific discovery in physiology, biophysics, physical chemistry, and quantum mechanics https://github.com/zyzisastudyreallyhardguy/LLM4SD
ChatPDF Chatbot with PDFs https://www.chatpdf.com/
Claude Chatbot with PDFs https://claude.ai/


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